Living in the Last Days
The most crucial question about the return of Christ is not the “when” question. The most important perspective on the last days has nothing to do with the geo-political landscape. The most vital issue in eschatology is not how to survive the tribulation.
The most fundamental question is asked by the Apostle Peter: “What sort of people ought you to be…?”
Our pressing concern is a practical, ethical, and moral concern for how we live our lives.
Last Sunday we looked at some (okay – a bunch of) texts which speak of the character we should exhibit as those living in the “end times” (which, by the way, have been going on since the resurrection of Christ!). But in this article let me just add three lessons from three stories Jesus told in Matthew 25:
1. The parable of the Ten Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13) – Keep watch and keep your lamps burning. The coming of Christ will happen when you least expect it (even if it seems delayed). So be ready at any moment. Stir up your heart with love for Christ by the “oil” of the Holy Spirit!
2. The parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30) – Take risks for the kingdom. Don’t play it safe out of fear. Invest yourself in kingdom pursuits and watch God cause the increase.
3. The parable of the Sheep and the Goats (Matthew 25:31-45) – Love indiscriminately and sacrificially. Look for those in need and meet those needs. It could be the poor, the prisoner, the sick, or sorrowful. In loving those with such needs you are loving Jesus. And when he comes he will personally thank you!
So let’s leave the speculation to the “last day’s madness” crowd and be the people we ought to be!
The well wisher of your soul’s happiness,
Pastor Tom