Monday, February 28, 2011
Big Faith and the Reality of the Cross
On the other hand there is the “hard core” camp. This tribe counts the cost of discipleship, embraces sufferings, and doesn’t expect much from God but trials.
Is there a third way?
In Luke 9 we see the disciples called to embrace both Big Faith and the Reality of the Cross. We are called to pray for healing, hope, revival, conversions, and deliverances. We are called to pray for these things with Big Faith.
And at the same time we are called to follow a Savior who would be delivered to the hands of sinful men and crucified. And we are called to carry our cross and follow him.
Here’s how that works: We need to pray big kingdom sized prayers while realizing the answers will often be accompanied with suffering. We need to pray big kingdom sized prayers while weeping with the one for whom we are praying. We need to pray big kingdom sized prayers while understanding that we will draw the fire of the evil one by doing so.
But we do it anyway. We embrace both big faith and the reality of the cross!
The well wisher of your soul’s happiness,
Pastor Tom
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Probing Questions...
- Can I say that my faith in Christ is growing, or have I become plateaued and stagnant? (1:3)
- Am I treating others with increasing love and affection? Or do I simple love those who love me? (1:3)
- Am I blaming any lack of zeal or action on my part on my circumstances or afflictions? (1:4)
- Does the thought of the return of Christ provoke excitement within me? (1:10)
- Does the glory of Christ captivate my imagination or am I distracted by technology, entertainment, and materialism? (1:10)
- What ambitions do I have for the sake of Christ for my church? My community? The lost? (1:11)
- Is my faith alive enough to prompt me to do anything new and different for the cause of Christ? Like what? (1:11)
- Am I trusting God with my future or do I let the headlines and TV news dictate my confidence in the future? (2:8)
- Does God’s Word govern and order my life, or only when convenient? (2:15)
- What good works and good words am I praying that the Lord would establish? (2:16)
- How hard am I praying that the word of the Lord would spread rapidly and be honored? Am I jealous for the fame of Christ? (3:1)
- Is my heart’s love for God growing? (3:5)
- Am I standing firm in my faith or just barely hanging on? (3:5)
- Am I “walking in idleness” or am I a hard worker? (3:12)
- Am I growing weary in doing good? Where do I need renewal and restoration? (3:13)
As you ponder those questions, center on 2 or 3 of the most crucial for your life. Now take some time to pray, “Lord, how do you want me to change?”
The well wisher of your soul’s happiness,
Pastor Tom
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Who are you working for?
Do you work for yourself? Well on a base level this is okay. We are called to “eat our own bread” and not to be a burden to others. And there is that whole work/eat thing.
Do you work for your family? That’s okay too. We are called to provide for our families as a sign of our faith (1 Tim 5:8). We need to take care of the home front.
Do you work for others? Not a bad motive either. Our work should result in generosity for the poor (Eph 4:8), a good witness for Christ (1 Thess 4:12), and pleasing our employeers (Col 3:22 – with liberties!). Working for others is legit.
But the ultimate “who” is the Lord (bet you saw that coming)! Ultimately we work for the Lord:
“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, (24) knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” Colossians 3:23-24
That brings meaning and purpose for the most menial parts of your day. You are filing those reports for the Lord. You are taking out the trash for the Savior. You are doing laundry for Jesus. You are seeing clients for Christ.
So do your work heartily and happily for God!
The well wisher of your soul’s happiness.
Pastor Tom
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Do you think God wants this to happen?
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
When do you need prayer?
When eating at a restaurant I will often ask the waiter/ess, “While we are giving thanks for the food, is there anything I can pray for you about? Sometimes I have remarkable encounters (check it out, and be sure to read the comments) and sometimes they look at me as if to say, “Do I look bad enough to need prayer?!”
American civil religion tells us that prayer is only for crisis moments. The rest of life we handle ourselves.
The Bible portrays a different picture. We are to “pray continuously”. And the spiritual “giants” are the ones who feel the need for prayer the most! That’s why Paul implores the Christians at Thessalonica to “Pray for us!” (2 Thess 3:1).
Jesus taught his disciples to pray all kinds of prayers, from “big prayers” (Thy kingdom come, thy will be done) to “little prayers” (give us this day our daily bread). Why? Because we are just flat out dependent on God for everything! And the degree we “get” our helplessness is the degree with which we pray continuously.
So bring everything to God. Your priorities and passions. Your “muddy self”. Your anxieties and fears. Your dreams and aspirations. Everything.
Because you can do nothing without God. And because your Dad wants to hear it!
The well wisher of your soul’s happiness,
Pastor Tom