Tuesday, November 3, 2009

God’s Sovereignty

Sometimes we may think of God's sovereignty as an "in-over-our-heads" bit of theology best left to the theologians to hammer out. But every promise, grace, and consolation given to us is based on the sovereignty of God. Consider what might be the best promise of them all:

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28)

Paul assures us that God is a worker with a purpose. And his purpose is to work all things for the good of his beloved. And the foundation that makes this promise secure is the sovereignty of God.

Sovereignty is God's ability to do all that he will. It is God's power, purpose, and will all coming together. Without a sovereign God, this promise is hollow. Only a God in control of all things can assure us that he is working all things for our good.

That is especially precious when "all things" don't look so rosy. Colds, car wrecks, congress, conflicts, and even cancer are part of "all things". And God is at work in "all things." No, I won't even try to sort that all out, I'm not that smart.

All I know is that God is great and God is good. And he is working all things according to the counsel of His will (Eph 1:11). There is not even a rogue molecule in the universe outside of God's sovereignty. And He can bring even the horrendous evil of the crucifixion of Christ to become the greatest good of mankind.

Rather than theologize, I will (try!) to honor Him as king, submit to His Lordship, and rest in his care.

"When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul." (Psalms 94:19)

The well wisher of your soul's happiness,

Pastor Tom

(Click here for passages to meditate upon this week)

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