Monday, March 14, 2011

For Lent...

The last couple of weeks we have been learning some “lessons from the valley” from Luke 9:37-50. After the “mountain top experience” of the transfiguration, the disciples meet some epic fails in the valley of ministry. But solid lessons a can be learned:

A Lesson about Faith: v.37-43a “Power lies not in the person praying but in the person of Christ.”

A Lesson about the Cross: v.43b-45 “Before the crown comes the cross”
A Lesson about Humility: v.46-48 “As we serve the weakest and least significant, we serve Christ”
A Lesson about Solidarity: v.49-50 “Kingdom work does not have the luxury of division”

So for Lent this year let’s forgo the usual things we give up, vices of the body, and focus on giving up some crucial vices of the soul that correspond with our "lessons":

For Lent, give up:
Unbelief – Reject unbelief at every turn, every thought, every unanswered prayer. Instead focus on taking up faith by looking more to Jesus and fortifying your soul with the promises of God!

Self preservation and preoccupation – Instead of choosing the path of least resistance in the pursuit of instant gratification, take up action, sacrifice, and risk for the sake of Christ.

Pride – Lay down all thought of congratulation and esteem and rather take up serving “the least of these” and the freedom of humility.

Judgementalism – Put down the tribalism and smug superiority and take up unity with the larger body of Christ & forbearance with those hard-to-live-with Christians!

And as we lay these down, my the image of our Savior shine through our lives!

The well wisher of your soul’s happiness,
Pastor Tom

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