Leadership is the buzz word today, especially with the presidential elections coming up. Each candidate is seeking to look more "presidential" than the other. But what are the qualities of great leadership? What models of leadership do we look to?
We need to ask these questions concerning church leadership as well. What are we to look for in church leadership? Hebrews 13:7, 17-19 give us a great outline of the role of leadership in the church.
First, Leaders speak the word of God: "Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God." (v.7). God's Word is our nourishment, our guide-book, and our authority. Therefore the main function of church leaders is to speak and teach God's word. Paul tells timothy that elders are to "be able to teach". That's why God's Word is front and center in the ministry of our church.
Second, leaders are to live out the word of God: "Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith." (v.7). The integrity crisis in leadership is at its most damaging when seen in the church. When one leader fails, every leader feels it. Hypocrisy in church leadership totally undermines the good of the ministry. That's why walking the walk must accompany talking the talk. Leaders have to live lives worthy of consideration and imitation.
Not that leaders have to be perfect. Some of the virtues we must model are humility and repentance. The world is not looking for perfect Christians, just perfectly humble ones!
Third, leaders keep watch over souls: "…for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account" (v.17). The humble, careful application of the word of God to the needs of the people is a mark of healthy leadership. In order to care for souls, leaders must be relationally connected and committed to people. The work "watch" means "pass sleepless nights". The shepherd must put up with long, cold nights in the pastures as they watch over the sheep.
These are tall orders indeed! Watchful leaders will be held accountable for the souls under their care. Anyone want that job? So, yes, soberness and seriousness will accompany leadership.
But don't miss the joy! Hebrews 13:17 says, "Let them do this with joy"! It works like this: It is a joy to see people grow in the lord! It is a joy to see people endure hardship by faith! It is a joy to see people following hard after Christ! It is a joy to see people leading their friends to Christ! It is a joy to see people sacrificing for the cause of Christ!
And ultimately it is the supreme joy of knowing we serve for the glory of "...our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep" (v.20). As we serve in His strength, for his honor, and with his love for the flock – joy overwhelms!
So give joy to your leaders by loving God's word, imitating the good you see in them, following their lead, and helping them through prayer (v.18-19)
The well wisher of your soul's happiness,
Pastor Tom
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