On Sunday we spent a lot of time looking at being "Gospel-Driven" and being "strengthened by grace". The Gospel of Grace is not just for unbelievers, but essential for Christians as well (Romans 1:7,15). We know that we are saved by grace through faith, but then we think we need to be perfected by our own efforts (Galatians 3:3). We so easily lose our grip on grace – just ask Peter (Galatians 2:14)! We have got to "eat grace" everyday if our hearts are to be strengthened.
I'm not talking about some weak, insipid, "Jesus wuvs you", sentimentalism. I am talking about hard-fought, blood-bought, Christ-wrought grace! The stuff that is hearty and heart-satisfying. The stuff that you've got to go to the cross to get.
So let me be real practical and suggest some solid resources for you to strengthen your hear by grace:
First – go to the source. Get grace from God's word every day. If you need some help go to the ESV Online site and sign up for one of their devotions. You'll get God's word delivered by email daily!
Second – read grace-drenched authors. One of my favorites is C.J. Mahaney. He is down to earth and easy to read. Read his book "The Cross-Centered Life" for a solid helping of grace.
Jerry Bridges is also helpful here. His book "Transforming Grace" can truly be transforming.
Third – listen to grace-full speakers. Tim Keller is one of my favorites. He is solidly Biblical and easy to listen to. In particular, look for his message on "The Prodigal Sons" - it is delicious! Also – his upcoming book "The Prodigal God" looks to be excellent.
Fourth – sing grace. The classic hymns of the church are treasuries of grace-filled poetry. Some of the best new music is classic hymns set to new tunes. Check out the "Indelible Grace Music" site for great songs of grace to saturate your soul. Their on-line hymnal features lyrics, songsheets, and samples.
Fifth – learn from those who have gone before you. We are told to “remember your leaders…consider the outcome of their life and imitate their faith” (Hebrews 13:7). John Piper has a series of biographical sermons on the lives of great Christian leaders of the past. We can learn much about grace and living for God from the likes of John Bunyan, Charles Spurgeon, and David Brainerd. They don’t make ‘em like that anymore! (If these names are unfamiliar – you really will enjoy getting to know these guys!)
Well, that should get you going. If you've got some helpful "grace" resources – send them my way. Hey, a pastor has to eat too!
The well wisher of your soul's happiness,
Pastor Tom
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