From the words that spoke creation into being, to the declarations that will signal the New Heavens and the New Earth (Rev 21:1-5), God's Word brings things into being. Our spiritual life begins by God's word (James 1:18) and the only way we continue in our faith is through God's word.
So when we are told to "receive with meekness the implanted word" (James 1:21) we do well to pay close attention! But how do we do that? What does it mean to "receive with meekness the implanted word"? Let me suggest a few ideas:
- Seek out God's word. Put yourself in a place where God can speak to you by regularly, systematically reading and meditating on God's word. Listen to good teachers of God's word.
- Seek humility before God's word. Whatever the problem, humility is part of the answer! We humble ourselves when we acknowledge our need for the Word. We are not as smart as we think we are, so we confess ignorance and ask the Lord to teach you.
- We "receive" God's word when we allow it to be the authority in our lives. We do not stand over the word, it stands over us. We humble (and gladly!) submit to the authority of God's word.
- Don't disdain the delivery system that God chooses. You may think yourself wiser, cooler, and more "correct" than any given preacher/teacher/author/friend. But if you kill your pride and humble yourself to hear, God can speak to you through an old ass! (Numbers 22:21-31).
- Apply yourself to the word. Actively study the word for yourself. Don't rely on others to chew and digest the word for you. Step up to the table yourself!
- Apply the word to yourself. Actively ask the Lord to show you ways to apply the word to your live. Use the word to do a fearful and searching moral inventory. Look for ways to change because of the word.
- Just do it! (James 1:22)
If you are receptive to the word God "implants" in your heart and persistently follow through on its application you will be "blessed in all you do" (James 1:25)!
The well wisher of your soul's happiness,
Pastor Tom