Wednesday, September 16, 2009

God’s Beauty and Desirability

One of the remarkable discoveries of the Christian life is God's beauty and desirability. Few things will rekindle your sense of wonder than meditating on the beauty and desirability of God. And only desire for God will displace our affections for lesser things. But we must set our heart, minds, and wills to pursing a vison of God's beauty.

As we saw last Sunday, the early American theologian, Jonathan Edwards, gives us some practical advice:

Ways to increase your desire for God:

  • "Endeavor to increase spiritual appetites by meditating on Spiritual objects."
    Translation: fill your mind with spiritual things/ God's beauty as seen in creation and God's beauty as seen in the Bible. (Click here!)
  • Endeavor to promote spiritual appetites by laying yourself in the way of allurement.
    Translation: If you are hungry – go to the 'fridge. If you are spiritually hungry – go to worship, communion, fellowship, etc…
  • We should express our longings to God. They will increase by being expressed.
    Translation: Whether it is at our worship service, in you private time with God, in your car, or in the shower – express your longings to God! As you express your longings with a sincere heart, God will both satisfy you and make you hungry for more.

The Good news is that God's feast is a smorgasbord that never closes. He is open 24/7-365! So take some time this week to "lay yourself in the way of allurement"!

The well wisher of your soul's happiness,

Pastor Tom

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