Sunday, June 29, 2008

Monastic Day at Mepkin Abbey

I've had some questions about the various services at the Abbey so I thought it might be helpful to give you a "day in the life"…

3:00 AM Rise

3:20 Vigils (Office of Psalms and Readings)

4:10 Meditation and Lectio Divina

5:30 Lauds (Morning Prayer)

6:00 Breakfast

6:30 Lectio Divina

7:30 Eucharist

8:15 Terce (Brief Prayer)

Grand Silence Ends

12:00 Noon Sext (Midday Prayer)

12:10 Dinner

12:50 None (Brief Prayer)

5:00 Supper

6:00 Vespers (Evening Prayer)

6:30 – 7:30 Various individual and community activities

7:35 Compline (Final Prayer of the day)

Grand Silence Begins

8:00 Retire

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